My Acting Journey

My acting journey began when I was young. According to my family I was recreating scenes from my favorite films and tv by the time I was three or four. Of course, I did not take much notice of the actual acting until I was older. By this time, I started off looking up on YouTube the ‘behind the scenes’ and interview videos, in order to see how everything was put together and what it was really like to work on sets.

My first memory of doing an acting based activity was in Sacred Heart Primary School at one of our school shows. The Nativity, to be specific, was my first ever stage performance and even at such a young age I remember feeling amazed and the pure enjoyment of performing. Following on from this I made sure to be in every school performance; from ‘The Jungle Book’ to ‘Pirates of the Cury Bean’. Every single one was a great experience, even if the character was small and didn’t speak, I still loved every second of it.

Once my family was aware of my interest in acting, they signed me up to an agent and I was able to audition for a TV Show ‘The Dumping Ground’. I sadly did not get the part, but I was a lot younger at the time and was really only just beginning to act. It was still a great experience to prepare for future auditions.

 Following on into English Martyrs Secondary School, I performed in two school performances: ‘Oliver’ and ‘Sister Act’. They both were tremendous fun to do and it truly was amazing to meet new people, who were interested in the same things as I was. Both performances were full of different experiences, it really revealed to me that I truly wanted to act. I played a wide range of characters across the two plays, which helped me to build diversity. Alongside this I chose to do a BTEC Performing Arts in Years Ten and Eleven. The BTEC helped me to develop my craft, by learning about differing techniques and practitioners. We did many performances across the two years, focusing on the acting side of performing arts.

Currently I am at Stockton Riverside College enrolled in a Level Three Acting for Stage and Screen Course. I have learnt so much from them in such a short space of time. The fact that the course focused upon acting was brilliant for me as that was what I was truly interested in, but also showed me the production side that I didn’t have a lot of experience with. Over the past couple of weeks, I have filmed and worked on music videos, which I hadn’t really considered before. I firmly believe that this course will help me to achieve my goals as an actor; to be in both film and tv productions; to explore different characters; and to just explore and develop my skills as far as they can go. I look forward to all the skills I will learn in the future thanks to this course.


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