Theatre Practitioner Task


Task Two

I have been rehearsing the script 'Like There's No Tomorrow' every other day. I have not just been rehearsing my lines but reading through the entire script to gain a greater understanding of the play itself and all the characters within it. Mainly I have been either rehearsing alone or with my family, they have been a good sounding board for all my ideas and the ensuing character development. I plan to further rehearse the script by talking with my peers online, through the use of the chat Kelly created on Microsoft Teams for everyone in the play. 

Task Three

These pictures of 'Cracks' were taken from around my home. This is due to my family having to self isolate for ten days. Nevertheless, this actually worked out quite well, as my home is being redecorated and I was able to find 'Cracks' that would not have otherwise been visible.

Task Four

Speech Exercise: The Mirror Face Test

Speech Exercise: Enlist a Speech Monitor

 For this part of the task, I enlisted my Aunt, Sophie Boyd. I know that Sophie was quite happy to be my 'Speech Monitor', as she already does this on a day to day basis and was glad of the chance to rid me of my mumbling!                                                                                               


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