Radio Performance

 While we are all stuck at home and are unable to do any face-to-face acting work, we started to learn a different ways to act. In this day and age, a massive part of the industry that can bring in big money is voice acting. Now, to begin with I thought voice acting was a very small part of the industry, but I soon learned that that was not the case! To start off our lesson we were given a short script to have a read through of only 2 pages, it was based on a period drama. However, it was written for radio rather than stage and we were asked to read it like we normally would in order to see how our diction was. This allowed us to use some good vocal exercises to make our speech clearer. Personally, I struggle with my diction as I have a tendency to mumble. However, I am trying to correct this as my course continues. Then, after we went through some diction exercises, we started to put in accents. This was very important, as we needed to use an old English accent to try and fit the scene. I enjoy utilising accents in my work as they help me to be in my characters frame of mind and brings my character together. The most recent period drama I have watched is ‘Bridgerton’ and I drew upon this in my performance.

 To find out more about 'Bridgerton' Click Here! 

Overall, I found this task to be fun and engaging. The chance to try a radio drama is unique to me and I found the techniques involved to be interesting. As one cannot use body language or facial expressions to put across the scene to an audience, you can only use your voice and it was a different experience for me.


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