Monday 13th September 2021

Monday 13th September 2021  

Visit From Samuel Jordan

Today we met an ex-student of Stockton Riverside College who completed our acting course, one Samuel Jordan. He came in to offer advice and to tell us about what he has achieved since leaving the college only a few years before. This was an amazing experience as we heard first-hand stories about the industry and what we can expect in the future.  Samuel also provided plenty of helpful tips and advice on what to expect and how we can help ourselves in the world of acting. I actually found this personal account really helped me and some what inspired me.  Too see someone who was in our shoes not too long ago achieve what he has is encouraging to someone just starting their journey, in what is known as quite a cutthroat industry. In that moment, when he was discussing a film, he is in, that is being directed by Steven Spielberg was just mind blowing! This conversation has really shown me what is possible. I just need to want it more than anyone else and hopefully one day I will achieve my goals. Today was great, it has left me with a new attitude and a realization that I could succeeded but you really need to want to succeed and do everything you can to do so.


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