Tuesday 14th of September

 Tuesday 14th September

Body Language and Facial Expressions

Today we worked on an improved scene. We were given the task of coming up with a story with a partner, it could be anything. However, it wasn’t as much the actual scene we would be focusing on, rather the body language and facial expressions. The aim of a task like this is to try and teach us the importance of body language and facial expressions. In a film you should be able to tell what is happening just by the actors faces and bodies alone, no words should be necessary. This is what a good actor is capable of, to tell a story by just looking at them. During this exercise I realised how hard it is to be that good at showing emotion in a realistic way. You can’t just put on a sad face; you need to feel that sadness. You need to feel it to be able to portray it on screen. This exercise opened my eyes as I had no idea how amazing some actors really were. Yet it also highlighted how far I have to go, how much I need to develop and work on this art of showing a story through body language. So, me and my partner after running through it a few times had to go film it with Kane and hopefully our story comes across well to an audience.


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