Wednesday 15th of September

Wednesday 15th September

The Witches 

Today Kelly provided the class with all the characters that we could audition for and the accompanying monologues. The play we are focusing on at this time is ‘The Witches’. We all had to decide who we might want to audition for and then start to work on the monologues. I think this is quite exciting, I loved ‘The Witches’ as a kid and in fact according to my family used to watch it on a loop! I decided upon the role of ‘The Chef’ now this is not a big role in the play, but it does have a very important comedic scene. In a comedic scene like this one timing is everything. That is the reason behind my decision, I believe that it would be a good challenge for me. I have yet to audition for or even perform in my own monologues a comedic scene. I find myself eager for the challenge and hopeful that I manage to nail the role. Nevertheless, I needed a partner for my monologue, I asked my friend Mark what role he was auditioning for and luckily for me he was hoping for the role of the ‘Second Chef’.  I was really aware that we needed to perfect the scene and so we ran lines for the rest of the class. We focused in on getting our timing right, without the correct timing the scene would not be as funny. By the end of our time, I thought we were on the right track and that we had quite good comedic timing. Hopefully we do well on Monday and obtain the parts because I really want to act out this role. I am looking forward to next Monday and what it might bring.

To find out more about 'The Witches' 1990 Click Here!


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