Copy Cat Task Evaluation

We finally filmed our copycat scene! What a day it was! Firstly, we had a new plan with a couple of Year Two’s. They helped us to put some organization into our filming. Initially they helped us to find a new location for filming, we ended up using the theatre. This turned out to be a great place to film as we were able to bring in some tables, cups and papers in order to make it look like an office. In the end I was quite happy with our set dressing. As we started dressing and getting ready to start filming, we noticed some issues. For instance, we became aware that the fan above us was making too much noise, the film crew couldn’t hear us over it and so the footage we shot was useless. We ended up moving locations into the film room, otherwise known as the black room. There was plenty of space and already had some objects we could use as set dressing. So, we proceeded to set up once more with the cameras and to be honest I believe it looked even better than where we were originally filming! Even though we had to move location, it ended up being the better choice, so despite the extra time needed, I counted it as a win.

In the end we were ready to film and used our first couple of takes as tests, to see how we wanted to film, make sure we had all of the right angles for the camera and to ease ourselves into the flow of acting. After our first two practice takes, we started recording and I felt it went really well. We managed to get a lot filmed and thought as actors that we had hit all of our key points. The filming itself felt as if it passed by very quickly. However, it was necessary to film some reshoots because some things were out of place and we wanted to take the time to reshoot and make the scene look as good as it could be. By the end of the day the reshoots went fine and we were done and ready to edit

The next time I am to shoot a scene or anything of my choosing and that I am partially in charge of I am definitely going to be more prepared. I would choose an earlier date to start filming to allow for any complications. As the first person we chose to be our camera crew didn’t turn up on the day of filming. Next time we need to check who our cast and crew are more thoroughly and make sure we have some backup plans. Not only do I plan to prepare and research more on the production side, but I want to do so for my acting as well. I want to look more in depth into the little things that make an actor great, I did research into my character and the scene itself. However, I could have made it even better as I think research in acting is one of the best things you could do for yourself.

I learned a lot when producing and filming this scene. It is very important to do your research and look into what other actors are doing and everything they do to make even a small simple scene into something big. To try and convey the right emotions through your facial expressions and body language to make this scene as close to the original as can be. To try and replicate a scene done by such great actors made me appreciate their acting skills even further and provided a good challenge to me as an actor.

My biggest challenge throughout was most definitely the research behind the scene and trying to imitate the actors. When I first started acting out the scene, I thought it would be ok and not too difficult. As it turns out it was very difficult! When I look back at the recording, I can see things I could have done better, and it really bothers me. Nonetheless, that’s why we were given the task, so that we could improve and see what we need to improve upon further. I will definitely be taking everything I have learnt in this task and utilise this experience in future projects.


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