Evaluation Of Performance

Yesterday we performed 'The Witches' in the Margaret Armstrong Theatre in front of a full audience! This was the first time in my college career that we had managed to sell out the theatre. We only found this out just before curtain and the news really managed to enthuse the cast. As I waited for my scene, I listened closely to what was happening on stage. I was able to listen to how the performance was going and gauge the reaction of the audience. To actually hear the audience laughing and clapping at our performance was very rewarding and fun. Finally the time came for my scene, my partner and I, Mark, were ready in the wings. We were both a little nervous and as a consequence we were trying to hype ourselves and each other up. Making sure that we were both feeling alright and able to perform to the best of our abilities. I think our partnership is part of the reason that our scene works so well, we were able to perform in sync and bounce off each other. We rolled out our trolley and began our scene. 

The scene started off well, as Mark and I sprang into action. Not stopping for a second, in order to not make the scene feel stilted and awkward. We used our space well and had really improved upon the points in the scene that we weren't talking. Our actions were dynamic and in perfect sync allowing for the audience to feel the comedy of the scene. Underneath the hot stage lights and with the audience watching, I was really able to feel the energy that I thought was sometimes missing in rehearsals. I finally understood what Kelly was talking about when she was asking 'Where was the energy?', that we needed to make the scene truly come to life. This was by far our best take of the scene! We managed to connect to the audience and got many laughs (which is exactly what we were aiming for). Not once did we forget our lines or actions and we were able to both act and react to each other. Able to bounce off each other, much to our joy and applause from the audience.

Yes, it might have only been a small scene but we managed to make the most of it. Hopefully, we stood out and we were memorable. My family was able to be at the performance and were very complimentary of not only me but of the entire performance and cast. My sister, Madeleine, 25, commented "I loved the performance! I was so impressed with your and Marks' timing, it really made the scene. The entire performance was brilliant. I'm so impressed and proud of you!".

My goals for the next performance are to go for a much bigger character. I want to enhance my performance as much as possible by going more in depth in my characterisation. I have learnt from my last performance that I don't like the small roles anymore, I wan to be able to push myself and I like the challenge a larger role brings, its so much more fun.       



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