Week Three Diary

 Monday 27th September 

Today we started off by doing some warmups like ‘Splat’ and ‘Mob Boss’. In the warmup ‘Mob Boss’ (which is not unlike wink murder) you gather the class in a circle and pick one person to be the ‘detective’ and that person leaves the room. Another person is picked to be the ‘Mob Boss’ and their role involves winking at one of the others. The person who is being winked at is tasked with ‘murdering’ another in a creative way, using all your acting skills. Whilst the ‘detective’ is trying to figure out whom the ‘Mob Boss’ is, in only three guesses. These warmups really allowed the class to wake up ready to start the day after a good weekend. For the rest of the day, we ran through Act One, ensuring that everyone knew where they were and when to enter the stage. However, I am not in Act One, so I watched the performances and went over my own script. I find it is very helpful to watch the play in its entirety and not just focus on your own scenes, it allows you to gain a better feel of the play, to know what is going on and how the rest of the cast is getting on. Being able to watch both casts perform was amazing! Both Megan and Kadie were phenomenal as the ‘Grand High Witch’. Megan was captivating and brought a great atmosphere to the stage and Kadie’s facial expressions were second to none. Even I was intimidated. The ballroom scene really allowed both actresses to show off their skills.

Tuesday 28th September

Once again today we started off with a warmup, we played ‘Ninja’. In order to play ‘Ninja’ the cast is required to be in a circle, and everyone takes turns in a clockwise motion to attack another member of the circle. This only means motioning like you are attacking them, not actually doing so. This continues until there is only one person left. ‘Ninja’ is my favourite of the warmup games we do as it’s very active and competitive, everyone really comes to life. I find it to be very enjoyable, not only because I won today. After this the real work resumed. Kane wished to see what we had accomplished the day before. If we weren’t in those scenes we needed to be working on our own initiative on our own scenes and lines. Mark and I began to run through our own scene, it is imperative we work together as our scene requires our teamwork to be flawless.

Wednesday 29th September

Wednesday brought us round to the witches meeting scene with both casts. It was very fun to watch both casts interpretation of such an iconic scene and characters. I loved the 1990 film adaptation of ‘The Witches’ and watching it right in front of me brought back some very fond memories. Both of the actresses playing ‘The Grand High Witch’ had some very big shoes to fill from Anjelica Huston to Anne Hathaway and I have to say they both do the part justice. It is a very hard role to play and both of them need a lot of confidence to do so correctly.

Thursday 30th September  

Rather than focusing on ‘The Witches’ today my friend Jeffrey and I were planning our copycat scene. I printed off our scripts for us both to look over, so we had it on paper and proceeded to roughly go through our scene. We both concentrated on giving each other feedback to try and make this scene perfect. The scene in question comes from the popular television show ‘Peaky Blinders’ Season Three, Episode Three. It involves the brothers arguing in a quite heated scene. I told Jeffrey that he needed to highlight his aggression through his body language and facial expressions more. Jeffrey told me that emphasise the accent that the character is meant to have and to make my voice louder.

Below find some clips of our cast practicing the play.




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