Week Before The Performance


Monday the 11th of  October

 There is only a week left before perform ‘The Witches’ to a live audience. Therefore, this week is going to be extremely busy, and it is time for everyone to put their heads down and focus! Every little detail needs to be ironed out and the performance needs to be perfect. We won’t have time to only focus on our performance next week, we’ll need to make sure the lighting and stage is set up correctly. Today we did a full run through of the play with both casts, managing to obtain some more last-minute tips from Kelly, as our director. One of those tips being that our performances needed more energy. Energy is vital to a successful performance; without it how can we connect to an audience. They don’t want to sit there and watch a play in which the actors themselves seem bored; it won’t help engross them in the storytelling that is happening on stage. It was with these tips that we ended our day ready to start fresh tomorrow.

Tuesday 12th October

Today it was Kane who was helping us with our performance. Rather than running through the play as a whole Kane encouraged us to run through our individual scenes, while he helped the main cast of witches run through the larger scenes, such as the ballroom scene. Mark, Morgan, and I went through our kitchen scene as a group, making sure we had every line, every action and facial expression down to a T. The entire class was exceptionally focused today, and I felt that everyone did truly know what they were doing.

Wednesday 13th October

Much of the rest of the week followed along the same lines apart from today when we had a video call from an ex-student. Kelly had organised for James to have a video chat with the class to contribute his own tips and tricks when it comes to performing plays. He described how the feeling of being on stage is completely different to rehearsals and that we all will miss it once its over. There is nothing for us to lose by giving our all and leaving it all on stage. To hear from someone whom used to be in our exact position left the class with the boost it needed to add more energy into our performances.


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