Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Audition Evaluation


 The one thing I took away from this audition was that I definitely need to practice my performance in front of other people before the actual audition itself. I feel that if I had practiced performing in front of others that my audition would have gone better. During the audition itself I was too focused on how the performance was going, rather than putting myself into the role. Instead of giving my all to the performance, I kept thinking of what I was doing wrong, and I really let this throw me off. I felt that I really let myself down during this audition due to this. I think that I was unprepared to perform in front of other people and that was the big point that let me down. I need to improve upon this in the future. I will perform and practice my monologues in front of my family and friends in the future. On the audition day the entire class was all nervously waiting for their turns, and this really allowed for a sense of camaraderie. We were all helping each other to remain calm before we went in. There was a sense of increased nervousness compared to our previous auditions. I think this was due to the fact that everyone really liked the characters and therefore really wanted to get their desired parts. Nevertheless, the fact that we were all so supportive of one another made it a lot easier to get through the entire process.

I didn’t acquire the role of ‘Willie Wonka’ and in fact was asked to come back and audition for another role. After this I was given the role of ‘Mr Salt’.


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