Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Week Two


With week one over with it was time to commence week two. In contrast to focusing on the opening scenes of the play we instead looked at the routines of the ‘Oompa Loompa’s’. The routines are a big part of our performances as the ‘Oompa Loompas’ already have chants to do, and we need to make these more engaging for our audience. Whilst keeping in mind that not all of us are accomplished dancers or singers. For myself in particular this would be a massive challenge, as it is well out of my comfort zone.

So, we went off into teams to try and sort out some routines and dances out for the different chants. The team I was in was comprised of about eight people and we were given the routine surrounding ‘Violet Beauregard’ to try and figure out. As we already knew that she was a competitive, cheerleader type of girl, we thought it would be a clever idea to do a routine that highlights that personality. Due to this we decided to do a cheerleader like type of routine. Luckily some of the girls in my group were familiar with dancing and had looked into cheerleading and they were able to help the group put some ideas together. I found this to be a very stressful experience, because we were trying to put something together that highlighted a personality and I’m not familiar with this type of skill set. However, it was also due to this lack of previous familiarity that I found this to be very fun and a great experience to have under my belt.


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