Blood Brothers


Our class was given the opportunity to see ‘Blood Brothers’ in Darlington. This was an amazing experience, and I was so glad we managed to see the production live. It is a totally different experience to see a performance live as opposed to recorded or just reading the script. You are able to see how the piece is meant to be seen. The performance of the actors was amazing, the two main actors playing ‘Eddie’ and ‘Mickey’ were brilliant. Their ability to act as children with dramatic movements and voice work in the beginning of the piece, in contrast to how they acted and their mannerisms as adults was great. The interaction between the two actors showed a good understanding of comedic timing and a great chemistry between them. Both were able to bounce off each other to create funny and emotional scenes, which collectively came together to create an action-packed play. The music accompanying the play was catchy and fun to watch with the play.

To me the break-away performance of the play was ‘Mrs Johnstone’, the actress was unbelievable. She was able to convey every emotion that her character had through her facial expressions, and you truly believed she cared about the children. She truly made the performance.

The only part I didn’t care for was ‘Mrs Lyons’. I didn’t really believe she had a good connection with the other actors. As well as this I felt the gun shots at the end were too loud and I feel they distracted away from the emotional end to the piece.


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