Evaluation of my auditions throughout the year


My auditions throughout the year have changed a lot! My first one was for ‘The Witches’. In this particular audition I knew what I was doing but sadly my partner was very nervous, and it wasn’t the best audition I’ve ever done. However, it was my first time working with someone else in an audition and it was a really good experience for me. I knew after that we hadn’t worked together as much as I thought we should have so that was another learning curve for me as an actor. My audition for ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ was my biggest learning curve so far in my time at college. I went for a large role, namely ‘Willy Wonka’ and this was my hardest challenge yet. I did prepare a lot for this role; I researched and performed the monologue several times. I thought I had a really good grasp of the character and that I could perform it very well. Nonetheless, when it came to the audition I just fell apart. I know now that was because I was unprepared to perform in front of others. When it came to perform my piece in front of people, my confidence left me, and my nerves got the better of me. Again, this was a big lesson for me and I have learnt since then no matter what to just to run thought it with people. That way my nerves aren’t as bad when I go into the actual audition. Following on from this I was really angry at myself, this was my mistake and I should have known not to only perform it by myself. But I have learnt from this since then and I believe that the experience has helped me a lot.  My audition for ‘Remote’ was a self-tape, which was very different, I wasn’t as nervous. Nevertheless, I was still aware that I had lots to do, I wanted to make sure that my facial expressions were perfect, and my movements were clear on camera. Not only that but that it fit well with the character as the camera picks up everything. As well as this there wasn’t much research to fall back on in terms of this character from previous performances. So, it was very different, which admittedly I enjoyed. It was for me a better experience to be in front of a camera. I have learnt much over the past auditions we have done so far this year and I have taken away something different from each one. Hopefully I will be able to use everything I have learnt so far in my future auditions and gain the roles I wish to.  


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