Photo Explanation


The picture I show here represents the life of my character in ‘Remote’. In essence he is not a good person, he deals with bad people and is involved in a life of crime. Namely drugs and vandalism, in some ways he is worse than ‘Blister’ because he is prone to more illegal actions rather than bullying. However, at the same time he is not as violent as ‘Blister’, he does not need to be. He thinks he is cool and hard but in fact doesn’t participate in much violence. Nevertheless, he can be very intimidating due to his moody nature and his hooded clothing.

My character’s relationship with ‘Blister’ is quite strong. He became close with ‘Blister’ originally in their younger years at school by getting into mischief. This all changed when ‘Skin’ came along and became closer with ‘Blister’. My character ‘AJ’ stayed friends with ‘Blister’, but he went down a different path as he got older. I made this back story with Mark to flesh out my character, so I didn’t have just an empty shell for a character.


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