'Remote' Production Design


I decided to help with the design for the show through the use of props. I asked everyone in the class to think of their character and what props they needed to make sure they worked in the play. This way I could be sure that when the day of the show came that they have their props with them and that everything is where it should be.

All of these props will need to be brought in on the day of the production. If they can’t the cast are to come to me. I will try to help them find what they need or at least some sort of equivalent.  

So, before the actual performance I went around and talked to all the cast members that needed props and made sure they either had them or had placed them on stage in such a way that they could easily reach them. I went through a check list I had made to make sure I wouldn’t miss anything or anyone. This was in reality a very easy job because the other members of the class were very prepared and had brought in the correct props, this made my job a lot less stressful. I kept on top of this during the performance by asking those who came on and off the stage during the performance, just to make sure that everything was going well and working properly. After our performance I made sure that everyone still had their props and had placed them in a safe place for either when we come back to college or to take them home to keep them safe for our next performance. I found this to be a great learning experience for me as I had to take charge of something vitally important to the performance. This highlighted to me a side of myself that I didn’t know I had, I was able to take charge of my area of the design and was organised in my approach to make sure everything was ready to go. I believe that props are a vital piece to any production they can bring to life the performance whereas before it might have felt very fake and lifeless. I believe the use of props in ‘Remote’ really helped the production to look like a polished and realistic production. Of course, at the same time you don’t want to go overboard in terms of props as this could be distracting to the audience rather than adding to the performance itself. I truly think we managed to achieve this correct balance.


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