'Remote' Production Diary 11/4/22

Day of the Performance

The day of the performance was one of the funniest days I have had in a while. The class had gathered at the college early that Thursday morning and proceeded to travel to York in high spirits. When we arrived at the theatre in York we had a full tech run through and and it actually went very well. The cast adapted to the space very well and we found it easier than expected being in a smaller space. Indeed, the smaller space helped the park to feel more alive. 

During the rest of the day after our run through we had much fun walking around York and finished with a workshop in the afternoon. The workshop itself was very interesting. We played a variety of games, one where we had to walk around and listen to what the instructor told us to do like jump or clap. He would often mix the two up to keep us on our toes. The whole workshop was very focused on well focus but was quite fun and interesting all the same. Another game we played was '123, ABC', in this game you had to walk up to someone saying "123", the other person had to look at someone else and say "ABC"  and walk to them. This was another way to keep us focused, as we couldn't be distracted on stage. We need to focus one more than one thing; people's lines, placement, body language and all the other things that come up when on stage. This workshop highlighted how hard all of this can be and that you cannot switch off for even a second. This was one of the funniest workshops I have been too. It taught me a lot. At the end of the workshop we had a fun game of presenter and guest on a TV show, this also worked to improve our acting skills. 



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