'Remote' Production Diary 4/4/22

 The Week Before The Performance

As we had worked on this play a lot before and even performed the production at college we did not want to over rehearse. Leading up to York performance of 'Remote' we only went through the entire play once a week. On Wednesday, the day before the performance in York we went through the play one last time and it went very well. We did gain a few extra tips but this was more about making sure the performance was clean and ready. One of the tips Kelly offered us was on projection, to make sure our voices are heard well in any venue. If we wanted to get any further than York , skills such as projection, are vital. No matter how good our performance may be. 

Personally, I felt my performance had gotten a lot better, my character as a bully was starting to feel more realistic rather than just standing there for no reason whatsoever. With every performance we do, I feel more confident. All that was left was to perform in York. The entire class by this point was very excited! We had prepared ourselves for the smaller stage and gotten used to our movement and placing without bumping into one another. Everything felt very solid and we were ready to go to York.


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