Starting 'Remote'

During week one of rehearsing the play ‘Remote’ I was feeling very confused. This play is extremely different to anything we had ever done before, half the lines in the script didn’t have any names attached to them, from there we had to figure out who said them and why. Therefore, we started to create our own characters, for who would be in the park at this time. For example, we had some characters participating in a yoga class and someone who would be homeless that was wandering around the park during the play, we felt having a wide range of characters would make the stage feel like a real park environment. As a class we went through the script and handed out lines to what we thought would be suitable characters. After doing this I definitely felt as if the play was starting to make some more sense.

We weren’t the biggest fans of the script when we first read it. We felt that going through it always felt very confusing, for awhile it felt that a lot of the class wasn’t excited to rehearse for the play. As the week went on and we started to understand and feel more comfortable with the play everyone’s enthusiasm increased. It is actually really interesting to produce such a different play as you never know what type of scripts you will receive as an actor in the future. As well as this creating characters from scratch is a good experience for us to bring our parts to life.


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