An Element Of Design

 The element of design I chose to do for ‘Blood Brothers’ was the marketing. For the marketing I chose to create a poster for the play that would be able to be up in both its physical form but also be posted on social media in order to reach a greater amount of people. Through this I managed to reach many people that I know don’t usually go to see plays to come and see our production. My family and friends helped me with this by sharing my poster on their own social medias. We worked together as a team to share the word about the performance, to the point that it was even talked about in their work group chats. This is the biggest show we have done so far and it meant so much to and all my cast members that we had a full audience!  

I chose to create quite a simplistic poster because I thought that it would grab people’s attention. Instead of being too busy the information is clearly displayed and easy for the viewer to follow up on. 


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