Blood Brothers Audition


Today was amazing! I started the day full of confidence, a departure from my previous auditions, because the night before I had performed my pieces to my family a number of times.  This had helped me to feel confident about performing in front of other people rather than just myself.  Nevertheless, I genuinely thought I was doing well, I was proud and happy to show my family what I had been practicing. They thought it was fantastic and said that they really felt the emotion behind my performance, so I was incredibly happy! I knew today was going to go well as I didn’t run through my line in my head a thousand and one times before my audition and instead was able to keep calm and focused. I was actually looking forward to showing Kelly and Kane what I can actually achieve in my acting, as this year I haven’t had a main part yet and I wanted to prove to them that I could manage it. When it was my time to perform, I went into the room and took a big breath to focus. Upon starting my first piece Kane was sat next to me reading in the lines. This really helped me to play off him and it felt like I wasn't just talking to a wall. I thought I did well, I was calm and focused, I didn't mess up any of my lines. I felt confident and that I was truly capturing the character. Overall, I was happy with my first piece, which was a scene in which Mickey was a child. However, it was my next piece I was the proudest of, that was the one I felt I had been struggling with the most to try and highlight all that emotion to the audience and make it feel real. Upon reflection this was my best audition this year and I was so pleased with how it went and Kelly’s reaction to it really solidified this for me. As well as my best audition this was my most nerve-wracking audition of the year. This is because this is the role, I have wanted the most and the character itself would be a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate what I can do as an actor and show off all the skills and abilities I have picked up in the past year. Kelly and Kane’s reaction after my performance made me ecstatic, they told me that it was an amazing performance, I don’t think it could have gone better. The audition went exactly as planned; it was the first time this year I left an audition happy with my performance.


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