Blood Brothers Week Two

This Monday we given the task to act like a seven-year-old for the entire day. During the course of the day, we were given little individual tasks, but we needed to do all of these in character. It was very hard to get myself into the mindset of a seven-year-old, it is especially different to what I am like now. From what I can remember of when I was seven myself, I was a quite a quiet child and often in my own world. Therefore, I took more inspiration from some members of my family who are children themselves, Ellie (7) and Lola (6). I see both of them frequently and thought that I could use this to my advantage and act just like them. For example, I remembered that they had a game they liked to play and in this game one of them would be messing on and the other would act the role of a teacher or parent and get quite strict and defensive.  


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