Character Research

 In order to gain a better understanding of my character and how to play him, I have created a mood board. Please click the link below to view it.

Mickey Mood Board

‘Mickey’ is by far the most complicated character in the play. He goes through the most character development and changes; this is due to the difficult circumstances he faces throughout his life. He has plenty of ups and downs but has always been held back by how he was born and the life and class he was born into.  I feel that ‘Mickey’ has always felt a little confused and that he has never really known where his place is. He knows what he wants but life keeps getting in the way. Once we see him as an adult life becomes more difficult, he needs a job and money, and this becomes his entire focus. This is what he and his family need to live, and he works hard for it. Yet it is also killing him slowly, bit by bit.  Ultimately, he becomes tired and disenchanted, so different to the energetic little boy we first see him as. When ‘Eddie’ returns from University and ‘Mickey’ is able to see how well his life is going it kills him on the inside. ‘Eddie’ doesn’t have to face any of the same issues or problems that he does, and this eats him up inside. This manifests itself in the form of jealousy and anger. ‘Mickey’ wants what ‘Eddie’ has and by becoming obsessed and angry with this he is ruining his relationships with both ‘Linda’ and ‘Eddie’. When ‘Eddie’ tries to help him, ‘Mickey’ views this as him being controlling. As well as leaving ‘Mickey’ feeling useless and incompetent. I believe ‘Mickey’ feels a lot of self-hatred and he takes this out on ‘Eddie’.


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