Monday 16th May


Monday 16th May

We fully started devising some scenes today. As a team we decided upon the scenes it would be most useful to spend our time on. To start of with we chose the scene with the most people actually on stage, this would be helpful to nail down our blocking. We chose the opening scene, in this ‘Mickey’ comes in shooting and shouting at his mother. This is an important scene to get right as it is the first time we see ‘Mickey’ and he sets the story off. The audience need to know straight away of ‘Mickey’s’ character and to do this you need to show off his childlike nature. As we were rehearsing this scene, I was observing the other casts act out the same scene and this was helpful as it let me realise what I could improve upon in my own version of ‘Mickey’. I realised that in order to be truly childlike that I needed to be more hyper and just in general more childlike. I took this into account when my cast were performing the same scene. I really wanted to have as much rehearsal time as possible, the play is quite long and very well known, and I want to get this right. I also had quite a lot of filming to do this week on other projects, so I knew I had a very busy week ahead of me and I needed to make the most of every bit of rehearsal time we had.


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