Section 1 Rationale

 I have learnt so much this year. We have done 4 big performances and thanks to Kelly I have learnt so much from each and every one of them! From the begining of the year I have been doing small roles. This was for a very important reason, to improve my acting even when I am not saying lines. I wanted to improve by showing my facial expressions and body language to everything around me. All of this combined with the written work we have done has helped me progress. During my written work I have been looking further in to the details behind acting. This is another side of acting that I had never really looked at before, but doing these assignments has really helped me to understand how important it is.

Looking back on my work is not only one of the most important things I do, but also one of my favourites. It allows me the chance to learn from every performance or audition I do and to make the next one even better. I do this by thinking back straight after the performance. This is because as an actor you are always aware of what could have gone better, so I write it down immediately or at least remember to tell my family. For example what I learnt from a few of my  previous auditions was to actually show it and practice it in front of people before the real audition. This means I was much more prepared and wasn't overthinking the performance so much. Furthermore, I have learnt that it is necessary to prepare for shows by doing further research. Such as reading the actual book, researching the play write themselves or researching the time period the production was meant to be set in. Research will always help in the long run of performing in a production. 

Being able to do both performances was a great way to try different things and have fun with both projects. We had so many different ideas each time we came to rehearse. There was always something new to try. Our casts were also very good at working with each other. So much so, that we all had managed to become closer together. Being closer as a cast also helped our 'Blood Brothers' performance to be well put together. An aspect that was quite different was that in this production was that we were being directed by Year Two's, letting them take control of their own pieces was important. We couldn't just stay in the same year groups, we had to work together as a whole.

I will be balancing my time over the next few weeks by doing rehearsals whenever Kelly has set them. After this I will be going home and continuing to do my blog work and trying to get the best grade I can. To do so I will be working on my character so I can further develop every piece of my performance and make that final night as good as can be. Not only will I be developing my character I will be making sure that I know my lines and thinking of different aspects I can add to my performance. Such as actions that can add to the comedic nature of the first half or the emotional second half. The final scene is very important and emotional, I really want to get this right and hopefully make the audience cry. Moreover I  will be filming during this time. So, I will have a lot going on, but if I plan my time management correctly I should be able to do everything.   


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