Tuesday 7th June

Today it was my casts full run through of the performance. We ran through each scene and with the help of Kelly to guide us managed to make each scene as emotional as possible. Our goal by the end of the play was to make those in the audience cry, if we managed this, we know that we had done a good job. We want the audience to feel every emotion that the characters go through in each scene. Moreover, whilst going through each scene we talked about the different ideas we all had in order to make them better. When Kelly was giving us any tips or advice, I would start to work on them straight away. Sometimes I do need that advice (as we all might) and its often something I may not have thought of before and it manages to push my acting that little bit further. I felt that I really benefitted from today, as I had managed to learn all of my lines and now, I needed to be able to implement them into the performance and make them real. The real performance is a week today and I want to be confident in my own performance. Today was also a good day to get all the staging together, so I know what I can do physically in each scene. This managed to relieve a lot of stress I didn’t even know I was carrying, as long as I know how I am coming and going in each scene and where everyone else will be, I will feel better. All in all today was very productive and it made me feel better that it was easier to pull all the scenes together and make it into a real production.


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