Wednesday 11th May


 Wednesday 11th May 

Today we discussed superstition and how important it is in the context of the play. To start off the class spit up into groups of five. In these groups we were to research one superstition and create a sketch of how it came to be. My team looked at the superstition that if you break a mirror, you gain seven years of bad luck. In our research we found that this superstition dates back to Ancient Rome. We decided to draw upon this in our sketch and had Caesar talking to a man who cursed him, we created a comedy sketch based on this premise. I think we succeeded in portraying the superstition well The other performances were also done very well, and I thought it was fun to learn of other superstitions. We ended this discussion by focusing on superstition in ‘Blood Brothers’ and how it runs throughout the play. We talked about the superstition of putting shoes on a table that is seen in the play and how Mrs Lyons plays on Mrs Johnston's superstitious nature and fear of the supernatural to get what she wanted. This session helped me to gain a better understanding of the play as the theme of superstition plays a massive part throughout.


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