Week Two - Monday


Today we were informed that near Halloween we would be once more at The Globe, we would be performing some sort of creepy walk around, not unlike the London Dungeons. At least that is the plan. To start preparing for this and get a feel of a horror piece, we were all given a piece of paper with start of a sentence about a horror and devise our own scene around that. My group was made up of Geoffrey, Charley and Rebecca and we sat for about twenty minutes and tried to create something. This was difficult at first, to think of anything that was scary and yet could still be realistic. We ended up on a scene with two people in a bed, who hear a noise. They find out that the noise is their child, yet upon putting their child back to bed they are killed by an unknown person inside their home. Reflecting on this, this scene would be better performed on a screen, rather than a theatre. However, I thought it was still a good idea.


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