Week Two - Wednesday


Today we discussed how people walk and talk, how people act in a family. It is important as an actor to be able to look at others and be able to see and recognise how they move. This will only be able to help our skills as actors when we try to portray so many different characters to be able to pick up movements from actual people. Kelly assigned us the task to create family roles in groups. We would all pick a member of a family and then we would each get a character type, either the aggressor, protector, or the victim. My group consisted of myself, Jamie, and Geoffrey. The characters were of a grandfather (Jamie), father (myself) and son (Geoffrey). As we were acting as these characters, we would occasionally swap between theses archetypes of aggressor, protector and victim. This was a good exercise and quite fun, to be the same character but in totally different situations. Later on in the day we moved on to discuss University and Drama Schools. In other words, our future and what we need to achieve this year in order to get us to that next step.


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