3rd October

Today our class visited The Stockton Globe Theatre, during our visit we had a tour and a demonstration of what we could achieve over Halloween.  As well as this we found out about the history of The Globe, all of this gave us some great ideas for our scare night. The first demonstration we saw was of the light and sound capabilities at the theatre, this was really cool to watch. During our tour around the building an employee at The Globe, Josh, told us some of the history of the building and how the backstage works. Josh took all of us onto the stage to have a feel of how big the room truly was and the amount of people that could be watching us at one time. A story of particular interest that he divulged to us was of a child who became trapped in the film room that was on fire and he unfortunately died. Following on from this we talked to another four men who also knew a lot about the history of the building. They regaled us with stories about the original owners, whom were also butchers and owned sweet shops. We were also told of previous visitors of the theatre such as The Beatles, and Mick Jagger.


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