Wizard Of Oz Research

The Wizard Of Oz was originally written by Frank Baum in May

Frank Baum

1900, published by George M. Hill Company in the United States and was the first in the Oz series of books. The series became a beloved childhood fantasy series. In fact in January 1901 the printing company published 10,000 copies and quickly sold out and by the time the series entered the public domain in 1956 3 million copies had been sold. 

Frank Baum was a prolific writer as well as previously being a former chicken rancher, travelling salesman and theatre manager. Even before the publishing of The Wizard Of Oz he had published two successful children’s books by 1898. The name for the book originally came from a filing cabinet in Baum’s study, the drawers of which were labelled ‘A to G’, ‘H to N, and of course ‘O to Z’. The rest of Baum’s inspiration came from his own infant niece on his wife Maud’s side, ‘Dorothy Gage’. She unfortunately died whilst Baum was writing the book in 1898 and became a tribute to the lost baby girl.

To find out more about Frank Baum Please Click here

There have been many versions of ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ from the original book, to a series of plays, to films and to different scripts of the same story. Many works have been inspired by the series.  Of course, the most famous of these being the 1939 movie by the same name. The film became a hit craze and is still a massive hit to this day. Everyone knows of it and once the Christmas holidays come around can still be found playing on the television. The film became a cult classic for children and family for many decades.


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