Wizard Of Oz Week Three


This week we had a lot to do in term of production and making sure that everything was polished. My cast started to run through the whole play by ourselves, in our spare time. We started this because we were worried that people in our cast didn’t know exactly what they were doing in each scene yet. This means that when Kelly was working with the other casts we would be in the dance studio to run all the way through the production. At this point in time I had realised that I was struggling with some of my lines, as some of them were just so spread out and I didn’t know all of my ques toward the end of the play. This week offered a good opportunity to learn and fill in any of the gaps I had.

Moreover, this week introduced all of our costumes and sets, which looked phenomenal! Kelly had done an amazing job bringing it all together and making the world come alive. As well as this we had all our props sorted out. For my character as the Tinman I needed to have an axe, oil can and my heart, I thought these had all turned out amazingly and complimented both the set and my costume. I was also able to at this time see one of my other Tinmen in his makeup, which I would wear as well. The makeup was wonderful, it truly looked like he was made of metal, especially with the full costume on. This has made me even more excited to perform ‘The Wizard Of Oz’. On top of our costumes being ready the sets were as well. The yellow brick road was set up with some fake grass on the floor, this iconic scenery made the land of ‘Oz’ come to life once more.

Our cast had run through our scenes a lot this week, we had to make sure that all of our props were placed correctly for when we need them throughout the play. We worked with our wizard to make these scenes as perfect as possible. If done well, they can be very funny and tie the whole production together.

Our main focus of the week was the scenes with our wizard, they are extremely important to the flow of the story and production. Therefore we kept getting Morgan together with our cast to keep going through them and to share ideas of what we could be doing whilst the wizard was divulging his backstory. We also gave Morgan some feedback on his performance as the wizard, in order to make the scenes a little more funny.  

Everything this week was geared towards making the production more polished and being ready to perform. I believe that my and all the other casts are ready to perform and put on a great show. I am once more looking forward to performing our show. The atmosphere is electric, everyone is so excited and ready to go out on stage and perform to our best.


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