Wizard Of Oz Week Two

This week we continued to look at our munchkin scenes and looked at the ‘Ozians’ scenes. My team focused more on the ‘Ozian’ scenes; these are very different to those with the munchkins earlier. The ‘Ozians’ are much more controlled and disciplined, they move in order not unlike a military patrol, especially when it is for the wizard of Oz himself.  The ‘Ozians’ need to be played a totally different way to the munchkins. Personally, I thought it was much easier to play one of the ‘Ozians’, to be serious and act more like one in an army regiment, it was fun. The hardest part was trying to move as one unit, we needed to get past each other, move and stop at the same time and move in the correct order. It took us some time to get this right, we did eventually do so, even if we did have some disagreements along the way. However, the scene did end up working and looked great. we had drum bears with hlep us follow the oeder we where meatn to go in and also we ha Kelly help us with the final movements to make it more interesting looking. we also had the seconcs where the wizard calls us inn to find silk for there balsoon and we had to fuigure out how we would do that so we just hid some green  silk  around the stage so we had some to get on stage. me and Conner had a role in the life of a ozian we had tow painters we came up with this ieads just because we found some paint brushes and we thought it was a great ideas a bit of comedy painting everything green we orgianly thought we wanted to have scooters and be kids but we coudn't find two and paint them green to we went with painting this was all so the world of oz would become that little more real for the audience.  it was very fun pretending to paint everything we had a blast just sitting talking about what we would paint and what work needed doing. we even used a tin of paint from the set deigin to carry out with us

r working on the ensemble scenes, we worked on the second half of the play with the main characters. In terms of my character of the ‘Tin man’ this meant that I spoke a lot less than I did in the first half. Nevertheless, the second half of the play is still very important, this where our characters achieve what they want, they meet the wizard and for me I get my heart.


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