Little Women Week Four


Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own workThis week was very exciting, as we are getting closer and closer to the show. Moreover, this week we had a lot of the set being brought in by Kelly, so we helped Kelly to bring in loads of tables and chairs she’d found, that looked wonderful. It truly fit the period and theme of the play. We set it all up and everything started to come to life, the scenes felt more realistic, and we could nail the spacing down so much better once everything was in place on stage. The matter of props had becomes sorted out after Connor and I had made a list and had people bring props in, Kelly being a big provider of most thankfully. So, everything was coming together, we had the girls decorating some door frames with flowers to make everything look very pretty. Others were tea staining paper in order to make the pages and writing look old and timely. We also finally had the massive basket I would be hiding in for when I jump out at the gentlemen club. Furthermore, during this week, we had moved our set to a different room and started full rehearsals with all of the set and it was going remarkably well. Each cast was given specific days and when it came to my cast it felt brilliant. All the scenes were mostly prepared all we really had to do was put them all together now, like a full production. This time we had Tom helping us and offering us some advice, as he had already done a period piece recently, so it was great having another helping hand to offer some tips. Tom helped us a lot with how we acted and even just stood in some scenes. Also, during this time Connor and I were making some last-minute checks to make sure we had everything we needed props wise. We even helped make some like the castles and the trees. I made a list of everything we had and if anything, else was needed I would ask people if they had anything like that. 


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