Little Women Week Two

 Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work

Week two kicked off with performing actual scenes from the play. We had all put together two different versions of ‘Little Women’, so we added more scenes to make it better and more interesting. To start we did the first couple of scenes in the play, which I am not in. I took this time to go away by myself and learn lines, as being ‘Laurie’, I had quite a few to learn. I looked at the script for scenes, to understand them and to see how I wanted to perform them. I wanted to be ready for when it came to rehearsing with Kelly, to show her what I had been working on and be ready to work to my full potential.

The first scene I actually rehearsed was the one with the girls’ secret club, where I was hiding in a basket and jump out to introduce myself to all of the sisters. This was a very interesting scene to start off with and a fun scene too. This was the first time I managed to see my full cast act together, I was quite excited, watching them I could see they had great potential. I was with a solid group. Over the next couple of days, we ran through our first scenes together, Millie and I, we needed to figure out the right chemistry for our scenes. We had to figure out how we wanted to dance in the ballroom scene, as it was different to everyone else’s, we had to make it silly and fun but also time it just right. This was our opportunity to shine, and we needed to introduce two more characters as well. 

Some of the scenes we were rehearsing this week we had already performed during our audition. However, we went over them again, we needed to change them a bit and add more context behind them. We needed to add more because while our audition were good, they could have and will be so much more. Kelly ran through these scenes with us, adding tiny bits that would make them so much better chemistry wise. Such as, adding movements like holding hands with ‘Amy’ as she is distressed or hugging ‘Jo’ in certain scenes, things like that to break the awkwardness and make it believable, as it is all about the chemistry.


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