Project Proposal

 Candidate Name: Henry Walton

Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work


Project Title - Little Women  

My journey throughout college has been one of the biggest and certainly the most life changing I have ever had. When I started at Stockton Riverside College, I didn’t know much about acting and what it took to be an actor. I started off with not a lot of confidence and didn’t know if I had what it takes to be an actor, or even better a successful one. However, it is thanks to Kelly and the opportunities she gave me in my first year that allowed me to slowly build abilities that made me end the year playing one of the main characters. Being able to be one of the main characters in the end of year production truly gave me the confidence that I could have a future in acting.

From that I went on to playing a variety of different roles, in children plays like ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ to ‘Blood Brothers’ at the end of the year. A much heavier play in terms of content and challenges for its actors, where I play a child with a playful mind, to then a man with many issues and troubles in his life. The challenges just kept on coming, it has made me much more diverse. The challenges brought forth by  each and every role has given me the opportunities to become a better actor and to learn from each role has prepared me for the future. 

Project Proposal 

Little Women is a massive challenge in terms of production and preparation. First, we needed set pieces that looked like they belonged in the correct time, to make sure that everything felt the part. Being part of the props team, I was tasked with helping to source these set pieces. Another of my tasks that blended well with my role as an actor was to learn all about the time, the American Civil War and the following years immediately after. To make sure I understood everything the characters would say and do and why? In order to do this, I did quite a lot of research, as well as planning some behavior classes for the casts, so we could learn the correct way to walk and talk. The difference in behavior from then to now is vast and I wanted to make sure I got this right to create a well-rounded character and therefore a superior performance. My task as an actor is not just to learn lines, but to understand the character and scene. My casts plan was to work with Kelly, when needed, after college. To cherry pick different scenes and run though them and to make sure they were ready for when Kelly wanted to see them again.


The show itself went well; the preparation we had done had paid off. We knew all the scenes; our chemistry was good and the rest of my cast was amazing. We had all worked so hard for this moment. Whilst the end production didn't go perfectly, most of the scenes went well and it showed how far we had come from our rehearsals just a few weeks ago. The atmosphere was phenomenal, and I really felt that the chemistry was all there, and one could tell that bonds of friendship were real. In particular, the love scene was played amazingly by everyone. Being able to watch all my cast develop into what they are now, over the space of only a couple of weeks is truly astonishing, we did each other proud. My scenes went well, apart from the mistake of starting the wrong scene, which was unfortunate, and I was disappointed in myself. Yet we manged to bring it back by all of us working together and supporting each other in order to make the second half of that play great and finish the year off nicely. 


Little Women Script


The Power of Etiquette - in 19th century America  



Week 1 – I  read thought the script, planned out scenes and start the props list  

week 2 -  run through all scenes. full run through of play. find props and place in set. 

week 3- finish set, make sure all props are collected, keep doing run  through.  

final week - make sure all props are given to the right people. make sure costume is ready costume ready. perform play. 



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